What is a URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Imagine it's like the address of a specific location you want to visit. Just as you might use a map to find a friend's house, in the digital world, you use URLs to find a particular page or resource on the internet. If we compare the internet to a giant library, the URL is like the call number on a library book, guiding you to exactly where the book is shelved.

Basic Structure of a URL

A URL can be broken down into several parts, each serving a specific purpose, much like how the address of a house includes the street, city, state, and zip code. Here are the key components of a URL:

  1. Scheme: This is the initial part of the URL and tells the browser how to access a resource on the internet. The most common scheme is http:// or https://, where the 's' stands for 'secure'. Think of it as the mode of transportation you might use to get to your destination.

  2. Host: Also known as the domain name, this part specifies the server that hosts the resource. For example, in, "" is the domain name. It's like specifying which neighborhood to find a house in.

  3. Port: This is an optional part that specifies the gate through which to communicate with the host, usually hidden if it's the default port. Imagine it as a particular entrance to use in a large building.

  4. Path: After reaching the correct server, the path tells you the exact location of the resource, like a webpage. It's akin to the specific floor and room number in a building.

  5. Query: This part is optional and typically starts with a question mark ?. It's used to provide additional parameters, like search terms. Think of it as special instructions you might give to find something very specific in a room.

  6. Fragment: Also starting with a hash sign #, a fragment points to a specific part of the resource, like a section or an anchor point within a webpage. It's like having a bookmark in a book to find a particular paragraph.

How It Appears in HTML

In HTML, URLs are most frequently used in <a> (anchor) tags for creating links, in <img> tags for specifying the source of an image, and in <form> actions to determine where to send form data when submitted.

Here's a basic example of a URL in an <a> tag:

<a href="">Visit Example</a>
  • href specifies the URL to link to.
  • is the URL itself, guiding the browser where to go once the link is clicked.

And in an <img> tag:

<img src="" alt="Example Image">
  • src attribute points to the URL of the image you want to display on your webpage.

Understanding URLs and how they're structured is like learning how to read a map in the digital world. Remember, each part of a URL has its own role in guiding the browser to the right destination on the vast internet.