HTML Audio

Think of HTML5 Audio as a modern boombox in the world of web pages that allows you to play your favorite songs (audio files), and you control this boombox with a few buttons.

The Basics: Adding a Boombox to Your Web Page

To start playing audio on your web page, you use the <audio> element. This is like buying a new boombox and putting it in your room. Here's the simplest way to set it up:

<audio src="song.mp3" controls></audio>

In this example, "song.mp3" is the song you want to play. The controls attribute adds playback controls to the boombox, like play, pause, and volume, so you and your website's visitors can control the music.

The Controls: Playing DJ with Your Audio

Let's break down the basic controls and elements you can add to this boombox:

  • autoplay: This starts playing the music as soon as you enter the room (web page). Use it wisely; not everyone likes music blasting immediately.
  • loop: Like a favorite track you want on repeat, this will keep the song playing over and over.
  • preload: This decides how much of the song is ready to play when you enter the room. There are a few options:
    • none: Don't preload the song. The music will take a moment to start playing after you press play.
    • metadata: Preload only the song's details, like its length and title, not the song itself.
    • auto: Preload the whole song, ready to play instantly. This is the default if you don't specify anything.
  • src: This tells the boombox which song (audio file) to play.
  • volume: While you can't directly set this in HTML, you can control it through JavaScript, like turning the knob on your boombox to adjust the sound level.

Advanced DJ Skills: Using JavaScript to Control the Music

Imagine you want to make your own custom controls instead of using the default ones, or you need the music to react to other actions on your web page. For that, you can use JavaScript, the remote control for your boombox. Here's how you might start a song playing with JavaScript:

<audio id="mySong" src="song.mp3"></audio>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('mySong').play()">Play</button>

In this setup, you have an audio element without the controls attribute because you're going to create your own button. The <button> element here, when clicked, tells the audio element with the id mySong to start playing the song using the play() method.

Making a Playlist: More Than One Song

Sometimes, you want more than just a single song. HTML5 doesn't have a built-in way to create playlists, but you can use JavaScript to play a series of songs. You'd do this by having several <audio> elements or changing the src attribute of a single <audio> element when a song ends, and then starting the next one.


That's a basic overview of using HTML5 Audio. Just like learning to operate a new boombox, it might feel a bit tricky at first, especially when you're trying custom setups or playlists. But with practice, you'll be able to create a web page that not only looks good but sounds good too, enhancing the experience for your visitors.