HTML Tables

Think of an HTML table like a spreadsheet or a little grid in a notebook. It's a way to organize information in rows and columns, making it easier to read and understand. Tables are perfect when you need to present data, schedules, or any details that benefit from a structured layout.

1. What is an HTML Table?

Imagine setting up a little stand to sell lemonade. You jot down what you're selling (lemonade and cookies), the price of each, and maybe which days you sold the most. That's your table – a neat way to arrange your data. In HTML, tables serve the same purpose; they help you display information neatly in rows and columns on a web page.

2. Creating a Table

To start our lemonade stand table on a webpage, we use the <table> tag. This tag tells the browser, "Hey, we're starting a table here!"

3. Adding Rows and Columns

Within our table, we need to add rows. Each row is created with the <tr> tag, which stands for "table row." Think of each <tr> like a new line on your notepad where you're listing items.

For every item in the row, we need a cell. There are two types of cells:

  • Header Cells: These are special cells for column titles or headers, and we use the <th> tag (table header). For our lemonade stand, headers might be "Item" and "Price."
  • Standard Cells: These are the usual cells for data, made with the <td> tag (table data). Here, you'd list "Lemonade," "Cookies," and their prices.

4. Adding Headers

Let's officially label our columns with headers.


This gives us two columns: one for our items (like lemonade) and one for prices.

5. Filling in Data

After setting up our headers, we add more rows (<tr>) with data cells (<td>) for our products and prices.


6. Beautifying the Table

Although we've covered the basics, your table might look plain. This is where CSS (like the paint and wallpaper for your lemonade stand) comes in - to style your HTML structures. However, sticking to our topic, remember that tables can be visually enhanced using HTML attributes like border, though using CSS for styling is the modern approach.

7. Attributes for Tables

There are a few common attributes you might use in your tables:

  • border: Adds a border around the table cells. For example, <table border="1"> gives a thin border.
  • cellpadding: This is space inside the cell, providing some padding around your data. It makes the table easier to read.
  • cellspacing: This is the space between cells, letting you spread the table out a bit.

While these attributes can style your table to an extent, relying on CSS for layout and design is a best practice nowadays.


Tables in HTML allow you to present data in an organized, grid-like fashion. Starting with the <table> tag, you add rows with <tr> and then populate those rows with header cells (<th>) for titles and data cells (<td>) for your information. While HTML gives you the structure, remember that CSS will be your go-to for making everything look great.

Tables might seem simple, but they're a powerful tool in your HTML toolkit. As with any project, starting simple and gradually adding complexity allows you to learn and experiment without getting overwhelmed. Happy coding!