HTML iFrame

What is an iFrame?

Imagine an iFrame as a picture frame that you can place on a table. In this analogy, the "table" is your webpage, and inside this "picture frame" (the iFrame), you can display another webpage or an element from the internet. It's like having a window within your webpage that shows another page completely.

Why Use an iFrame?

  • Embedding Content: If you want to show content from another website within your site without redirecting your visitors. For example, a YouTube video or a Google map.
  • Isolation: Sometimes, you might want to isolate a section of your page for security reasons. For example, embedding a payment form from a third-party service.

Basic iFrame Syntax

In its simplest form, an iFrame can be added to your webpage using the <iframe> tag. Here's what it looks like:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

This code will create an iFrame that loads the webpage

Sections of an iFrame

1. The src Attribute

This is similar to setting the destination for where your "picture frame" should look. In our example above, is the content that will be shown inside the iFrame.

2. Width and Height

Just like adjusting the size of an actual picture frame, you can set how wide or tall the iFrame is on your webpage. This is done through the width and height attributes.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="300"></iframe>

This iFrame will be 500 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall.

3. Border

By default, iFrames come with a border. You might want to remove this to make it blend seamlessly with your page. This is where CSS comes in handy. You can remove the border by setting the frameBorder attribute to "0".

<iframe src="" width="500" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Or, more modernly, using CSS styles:

<iframe src="" style="border:none;" width="500" height="300"></iframe>

4. Sandboxing

For security reasons, you might want to restrict what the content within the iFrame can do. This is where the sandbox attribute plays a role. It enables extra restrictions on the content in the iFrame.

<iframe src="" sandbox></iframe>

You can fine-tune these restrictions with values like allow-scripts (permit JavaScript execution) or allow-same-origin (allow the content to be treated as being from the same origin).


iFrames offer a versatile way to embed other web content into your page. By understanding how to manipulate attributes like src, width, height, frameBorder, and sandbox, you gain control over this powerful feature, enabling you to enrich your site with external content, all while considering the layout and security implications.

Remember, while iFrames are useful, they should be used wisely to ensure they enhance your website's user experience rather than detracting from it due to slow loading times or security concerns.