HTML Images

Imagine we're decorating a house, just like we used walls, doors, and windows (HTML elements) to build it. Now, we want to add pictures to make it more beautiful and personalized. In the world of web development, images play a crucial role in creating visually appealing pages, and this is where HTML images come into the picture. Let’s break it down.

1. Adding Images

To add an image to a webpage, we use the <img> tag. Think of the <img> tag as a frame where you can display a picture. However, to show the picture, you need to tell the frame where the picture is. This is done using the src attribute, which stands for "source."


<img src="picture.jpg" alt="A beautiful scene">

In this example, src="picture.jpg" tells the browser where to find the image file you want to display. The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (more on alt soon).

2. Importance of the alt Attribute

Imagine a friend is visiting your house but can’t see the pictures you've hung on the walls. You’d probably want to describe what's in each picture, right? The alt attribute in an <img> tag does exactly that for people who cannot see the images on a webpage, often because they are using a screen reader due to visual impairment.


<img src="cake.jpg" alt="A chocolate birthday cake">

In this example, if the image cannot be displayed, the user will see or hear the text "A chocolate birthday cake" instead.

3. Controlling Image Size

Sometimes, the picture frame (the <img> tag) is too big or too small for where you want to place it. You can resize the frame using the width and height attributes.


<img src="flower.jpg" alt="A sunflower" width="500" height="600">

This example resizes the image to be 500 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall. It's like choosing a frame size that fits just right in your room's layout.

4. Placement and Alignment

Just placing images on a webpage is not enough. Sometimes, you want to position them in a particular way, maybe aligning them to the left or right of the text. Initially, HTML offered ways to do this directly via the <img> tag, but nowadays, it's more common (and recommended) to use CSS (the styling layer of web development) for image placement and alignment. This helps keep our HTML clean and our styling separate.

5. Image Formats and Usage

Not every picture frame supports every type of picture. Similarly, not all image formats are equally suited for the web. The most common web image formats are:

  • JPEG: Best for photographs and realistic images because it can handle many colors.
  • PNG: Great for images with transparency or images that need to be high quality without worrying about file size.
  • GIF: Used for simple animations.

Choosing the right format depends on your needs regarding quality, transparency, and whether the image is animated.

In Summary

Adding images to HTML is like decorating your house with pictures to make it more welcoming and personal. The <img> tag places the pictures, src tells where to find them, alt describes them to those who can’t see them, and attributes like width and height ensure they fit perfectly in their spots. While it starts simple, there's a lot of depth to using images effectively in web design, from choosing formats to styling with CSS for the perfect layout. Understanding these basics sets a strong foundation for more advanced web design and development practices.