HTML Canvas

Imagine you've got a whiteboard in your room. This whiteboard is pretty special because it lets you draw anything on it—pictures, shapes, words, you name it. The HTML5 Canvas is somewhat like that whiteboard, but it exists on web pages. It's a space on a webpage where graphics can be drawn on the fly using JavaScript. Before we had Canvas, doing this kind of thing was much more complex and less efficient.

Getting Started with Canvas

To start using our digital "whiteboard," we first need to place it on our webpage. This is done using a simple HTML tag called <canvas>. Here's how you might see it in an HTML document:

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="400" height="300" style="border:1px solid #000000;">

This snippet creates a Canvas element on the page that's 400 pixels wide and 300 pixels high, with a nice little border around it so we can see where it begins and ends. The id attribute ("myCanvas") is like giving our whiteboard a name, so we can easily find it and draw on it using JavaScript.

To draw on the HTML Canvas, you need to know JavaScript. However, don't worry; this tutorial is not about JavaScript but HTML. You will learn all about JavaScript in a dedicated JavaScript tutorial.

Drawing on the Canvas

Now, onto the fun part—drawing! To do this, we need to write some JavaScript. The first step is to "get" our canvas by its ID and then get what's called the "context." You can think of the context as a toolbox that contains all the drawing tools and colors we need.

Here's how we start:

// First, find our canvas by its ID
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
// Then, get the context. We'll use "2d" to draw two-dimensional shapes.
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

Now that we have our toolbox, let's draw a simple rectangle:

ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; // This chooses the color blue
ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 150, 100); // This draws a rectangle

In this code:

  • fillStyle sets the color we'll use to fill in our shape—in this case, blue.
  • fillRect() is a method that creates a rectangle. It takes four parameters: the x and y coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle, and the rectangle's width and height.

Beyond Rectangles

Drawing a rectangle is just the start. The Canvas lets you create lines, circles (well, arcs, since that's how you'd draw a circle here), and more complex shapes. You can even add text, images, and manipulate pixels directly!


Because you can control each drawing action with JavaScript, you can also create animations. This involves drawing something, then quickly clearing it and redrawing it slightly changed. If you do this in a loop, you've got yourself an animation. It's like a flipbook where each new drawing is slightly different from the last, creating the illusion of movement.

Why Use Canvas?

Canvas is powerful for creating graphics programmatically. It's great for games, interactive graphics, charts or anytime you need to draw dynamically on the web. It's a tool that, once you get the hang of it, can really make your web pages pop and engage your users.

Closing Thoughts

Just like learning to draw or paint in the real world, getting comfortable with Canvas takes practice. Start with simple shapes and colors, then gradually try more complex projects as you get the hang of it. There are tons of tutorials and resources out there once you're ready to dive deeper. And remember, every artist was once a beginner—happy drawing!