CSS Specificity

CSS specificity is a set of rules that browsers use to determine which CSS styles are applied to an element. It's a crucial concept for web developers and anyone working with CSS because it affects how styles are applied and can be the reason why some CSS rules don't apply when you expect them to. Understanding CSS specificity helps in debugging styling issues and writing more efficient CSS.

What is CSS Specificity?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to style HTML documents. When multiple CSS rules could apply to the same element, browsers use specificity to decide which rule to apply. The rule with the higher specificity wins.

Specificity is a score or rank that decides which style declarations are more important than others with CSS selectors targeting the same elements. This score determines which style rules are applied to an element.

How is Specificity Calculated?

Each selector in CSS has its specificity value. The specificity value can be thought of as a score that consists of four parts (or categories), from highest priority to lowest:

  1. Inline styles - Adding styles directly to an element in HTML using the style attribute.
  2. IDs - Selectors that identify an element based on its ID attribute.
  3. Classes, attributes, and pseudo-classes - This category includes:
    • Class selectors (e.g., .menu)
    • Attributes selectors (e.g., [type="text"])
    • Pseudo-classes (e.g., :hover)
  4. Elements and pseudo-elements - This category includes:
    • Element type selectors (e.g., h1, div)
    • Pseudo-elements (e.g., ::before, ::after)

The specificity score can be visualized as four numbers: a, b, c, d:

  • a is the count of ID selectors,
  • b is the count of classes, attributes selectors, and pseudo-classes,
  • c is the count of element selectors and pseudo-elements,
  • d is the count of inline styles.

Real-Life Examples

Imagine you have an HTML document with a paragraph inside a div:

<div id="content">
    <p class="highlight">Hello World!</p>

And the following CSS:

#content p {
    color: blue;
p.highlight {
    color: red;

Here, two selectors are targeting the same paragraph element. According to the specificity calculation:

  • #content p has a specificity score of (1,0,1) (1 ID, 0 classes, 1 element)
  • p.highlight has a specificity score of (0,1,1) (0 IDs, 1 class, 1 element)

The rule with the ID (#content p) has a higher specificity, so it wins over the class .highlight. Therefore, the color of the paragraph will be blue, not red.

Specificity Issues

One of the main issues with specificity is that it can lead to difficulties in maintaining CSS. For example, if you overly rely on IDs to style elements, you might find it hard to override those styles without using more IDs or inline styles, which can lead to more specificity conflicts and a harder-to-maintain codebase.

Best Practices

  1. Avoid inline styles: Inline styles have the highest specificity and can make it very difficult to override styles using CSS files.
  2. Be mindful of ID selectors: Use ID selectors sparingly as they have a high specificity. Use class selectors instead.
  3. Use classes for styling: Classes are easier to reuse and keep specificity at a manageable level.
  4. Keep specificity low and consistent: Try to write selectors that are at a similar specificity level. This makes it easier to override styles when necessary.
  5. Use CSS methodologies: Consider using methodologies like BEM (Block Element Modifier) which can help in writing more maintainable and scalable CSS by reducing specificity conflicts.


Understanding specificity in CSS is crucial for writing effective and maintainable stylesheets. It helps in debugging issues where styles are not being applied as expected and provides a framework for writing CSS that is easy to extend and override. By following best practices and being mindful of how specificity works, developers can create more robust and flexible stylesheets.