CSS Display

Understanding CSS Display Property

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, and what background images or colors are used, among other effects. One of the fundamental properties in CSS that plays a crucial role in controlling the layout of elements is the display property.

What is the CSS Display Property?

The display property specifies if/how an element is displayed on the web page. Different values of the display property allow you to control the layout of your page in varied ways. For example, some elements can be shown inline, some as block-level elements, or some can be hidden completely.

Main Values of Display Property

  1. none: This value is used when you want an element to disappear from the page and not take up any space. This can be useful in cases where you want to hide elements without deleting them from the document. For example, you might hide an element that contains additional information that is only displayed when a user clicks a button.

  2. block: Elements styled with display: block; start on a new line and take up the full width available to them. Examples include <div>, <p>, and <h1> elements. For instance, a paragraph with display: block; will stretch across the full width of its container, making it stack above or below other blocks.

  3. inline: This value makes the element sit on the same line with other elements if there is space. Elements like <span>, <a>, and <img> are inline by default. They only occupy as much width as their content. An example is a <span> element within a paragraph that can be used to change the color of a part of the text without affecting the flow of the paragraph.

  4. inline-block: Combines features of both inline and block. It flows with the inline elements but maintains block features like width and height. This is useful for creating a grid of boxes that line up nicely but are also able to have different sizes and padding.

  5. flex: This value turns the element into a flexible container. It enables a flex context for all its direct children. Flex is a powerful tool for building complex layouts more easily and aligning elements vertically or horizontally with minimal effort. For example, in a header, you might want multiple items to be spaced out evenly, which can be easily achieved with flexbox.

  6. grid: Similar to flex, but this property turns the element into a grid container that allows for even more complex layouts based on a grid system. It offers even more control over the alignment and spacing between elements, making it ideal for designing layouts for large-scale applications.

Real-Life Examples of Using Display Property

  1. Creating a Navigation Bar: Suppose you are creating a horizontal navigation bar for a website. By using display: inline-block; for the <li> elements inside a <ul>, you can have them line up in a row instead of stacking vertically, which is their default behavior as block elements.

  2. Designing a Dashboard: For a dashboard, you might need various panels or card elements to display information. By setting these cards with display: grid; you can ensure they are organized regardless of their content size, aligning items neatly in structured rows and columns.

  3. Hiding an Advertisement: If you need to hide an advertisement on certain pages of your site, you could use display: none; for the ad's container element. This will remove the element from the document's flow, and unlike visibility:hidden, it does not reserve the space for the ad, making your layout cleaner.

  4. Responsive Menus: In responsive designs, you often want to show a menu in a different format on mobile devices compared to desktop screens. Using combinations of display: block;, display: none;, and display: flex; in your CSS media queries, you can control the appearance of the menu based on the screen size.


Understanding and using the display property effectively can dramatically change the layout and appearance of your web pages. It gives you the control to manipulate elements in almost any way imaginable, from simple adjustments like hiding an element to creating complex responsive layouts. As you continue to practice with CSS, experimenting with different display values will help you better understand their impact and how they can be used together to create visually appealing and functional designs.