CSS !important

CSS !important is a declaration used in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) coding to give a particular style property the highest priority over other conflicting declarations. Understanding how !important works and when to use it is crucial for anyone designing websites or working with HTML documents to control the appearance of web content effectively.

What Does !important Mean?

In CSS, styles are applied according to the "cascade," where multiple style rules might apply to the same element, but only some actually influence the final appearance of the element. These rules are chosen based on specificity and source order. !important is a keyword that can be added to the end of a CSS property value, right before the semicolon. It's used to increase the priority of a specific CSS property beyond its normal weight in the cascade.

Syntax of !important

Here's a basic example of how !important is used in CSS:

p {
    color: red !important;

In this example, the color property for all <p> (paragraph) elements is set to red, and the !important declaration makes this rule take precedence over any other rules targeting the same property of <p> elements, unless they also use !important.

How Does !important Affect the Cascade?

The cascade in CSS determines which styles are applied to an element based on three main factors: specificity, importance (including !important), and source order. Here's how !important affects this:

  1. Specificity: Each selector has a specificity weight, and normally, the rule with the highest specificity for a particular property wins. However, if a rule includes an !important declaration, it can override other rules with higher specificity that do not include !important.

  2. Importance: !important increases the importance of a rule. In cases where two conflicting rules both use !important, specificity will again be used to determine which rule applies.

  3. Source Order: If two rules have the same specificity and importance, the later rule in the CSS code will usually take precedence. With !important, the source order still matters if multiple !important rules conflict.

Real-Life Examples of Using !important

Let’s take a scenario where !important might be used:

Example 1: Overriding Inline Styles

Inline styles (styles directly applied within HTML tags) typically have higher specificity than external or internal CSS. However, with !important, you can override these:


<div style="background-color: yellow;">This is a div element.</div>


div {
    background-color: blue !important;

Despite the inline style, the div's background color will be blue because the CSS rule uses !important.

Example 2: Fixing Issues with Third-Party CSS

Suppose you’re using a third-party library that has its own CSS. If something doesn’t look right and you can’t easily modify the library’s CSS, !important can be a quick fix:

.button {
    color: white !important; /* Ensures text color is white regardless of library styles */

When Should You Use !important?

While !important can be very useful, it should be used sparingly. Overusing !important can make your stylesheet difficult to maintain because it breaks the natural cascade in CSS. Here are some guidelines:

  • Use as a Last Resort: Try to solve style conflicts with better CSS architecture or increased specificity before resorting to !important.
  • Quick Fixes: It can be helpful for temporary fixes while you plan a more permanent solution.
  • User Stylesheets: !important is useful in user stylesheets where you need to override the styles of websites you visit.


!important is a powerful tool in CSS that changes the normal rules of the cascade by making a style declaration take priority over others. However, it should be used responsibly and sparingly to avoid making CSS maintenance more complicated than it needs to be. Understanding when and how to use !important effectively can help you manage your stylesheets better and develop more robust web design solutions.