CSS Height, Width and Max-width

Understanding CSS Height, Width, and Max-width

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, or in other media. This guide will focus on three important properties in CSS: height, width, and max-width.

What are CSS Height and Width?

These properties allow you to set the height and width of an element. Here’s what you need to know about each:

1. Width

The width property in CSS specifies the width of the element’s content area. This does not include padding, borders, or margins; it refers only to the area where the content of the element is displayed.


div {
  width: 300px;

This CSS rule sets the width of <div> elements to 300 pixels.

2. Height

The height property specifies the height of the element’s content area, similar to the width but in the vertical direction.


div {
  height: 150px;

This CSS rule sets the height of <div> elements to 150 pixels.

Units Used in Height and Width

You can specify height and width in various units such as pixels (px), ems (em), percentages (%), and viewport units (vw for viewport width, vh for viewport height).

Pixels (px): Pixels are fixed-size units that are most commonly used to specify height and width.

Ems (em): Relative to the font-size of the element (2em means 2 times the size of the current font).

Percent (%): Relative to the parent element’s height or width.

Viewport units: vw and vh are relative to 1% of the width or height of the viewport, which is the visible area of the web browser.

Real-Life Example:

Imagine you are designing a birthday card layout using HTML and CSS. You set a div that contains an image and some text. Here the width and height properties ensure that your image fits well within the boundaries of the div without distorting.


The max-width property in CSS is used to set the maximum width of an element. It prevents the element’s width from exceeding a specific value. This can be particularly useful in responsive design.


div {
  max-width: 500px;

This rule means that no matter how wide the screen or the parent container becomes, the <div>’s width will not exceed 500 pixels.

Why Use Max-width?

1. Responsiveness

Max-width is extremely useful in creating responsive designs. It allows the width of elements to be flexible and adapt to various screen sizes but still maintains a maximum size to ensure content does not stretch too far on large screens.

Real-Life Example: Consider a website with a news article; you might want the text block to increase its width on a larger screen for better readability but up to a certain limit. Beyond this limit, the text lines would become too long and harder to read. Setting a max-width ensures that the text remains readable across all devices.

2. Aesthetic Maintenance

Using max-width ensures that your design does not stretch beyond what you originally envisioned, maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of your design on larger screens.

Combining Height, Width, and Max-width in Responsive Design

When creating a responsive website, you often need these properties to work together. For instance, you might set a width of 100% to make an element fill its container, a max-width to ensure it doesn’t stretch too far on larger screens, and a specific height to maintain a certain aspect ratio.


div {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 600px;
  height: 300px;

In this example, the <div> will stretch to 100% of its container's width, but only up to 600 pixels, and it will always be 300 pixels tall.


Understanding and using the CSS properties height, width, and max-width effectively can significantly enhance the design and functionality of your web pages. These properties help ensure that your content is displayed appropriately across different devices and screen sizes, making your websites accessible and user-friendly. Remember, the key to mastering CSS is practice and experimentation, so don't hesitate to try out different values and see what works best for your specific needs.